What you think about me and what I think about you!!!
This is the Question which never been asked from the person mouth itself (Take this situation).
If the question “What you think about me” will come in the air then what is the answer”. Is the answer is really right! No idea ohm
Why? Because we don’t know our identity and we are thinking about other identity what they think and express for us.
Sometime in this situation “Guess” may be wrong and somewhere it goes in right direction but we don’t know whether answer is right or wrong.
Sometime we think that we know that person well enough but on the way of that person expression on very typically situation we come across to know the undiscovered truth, which also lies in us.
But we are hiding from that or ignoring that Why? Because we think we are good person and think good for that person and we want to stand in the queue of well wisher for that person but the situation and scene is not like. Because what the person is thinking about you, which you don’t know at all, if you knew then half the battle is won and next question come in the pipeline.
Here Instinct come and give you the answer for your undiscovered question.
Sometime silence will give you the answer for that undiscovered question and sometime anger would move you in the circle of unconditional horizon.
My experience of life and knowledge is good enough then you? How? How baby why you believe that why not me?
Answer to this question come to end when you are lying in that situation.
So here the job of well-wisher and thinking right for that person is over because if you don’t put the situation on your garden then how come you solve that mind-blowing drama which is moving on that person mind.
Usually “Drama inside your mind is Right” because someone is playing the role in the scene and you are the director of that filmy drama and you can mould the situation as per your way and the vary reason is that you are the king of your dream and mind and of course you don’t want to allow anyone to handle that mind.
Mind is really personal not for other’s if it go in the hand of others mind then you or me will definitely play the role of “Robot” in the next episodes of mind with fluctuation in that mind.
It’s totally dramatically in situation when someone is reading you and observing you and you have little Guess or intuition of that.
Then what happen in the background of your mind? You try to behave smartly and try to know the things what that person is thinking about you and you are ignoring the question “ What you are thinking” and of course, you pass good smile to handle hidden smile in front.
From childhood I m hearing that good food is really good for health and fresh up the mind and on the other side we are ignoring the fact whether you or me on the plate of eating food which give the taste but not fulfill the hunger of the eyes.
Sometime in this mind-blowing drama conservation play very important role to find the situation of again that undiscovered question on one side.
Day start and come to end suddenly the fraction of thought again come and put the question and give smile, dirty-dirty and dirty mind is moving in wrong direction and wrong prospective because that person is busy somewhere else with some other thought and you are in false way of thinking that mind is moving with your thought.
Group and slip of words can make the identity of person that is why one mind have that path to say what others want to do because here undiscovered question is
If Green is in red then what is the Answer
Answer is my mind goes in Dark
Same way if the mind is thinking in one direction then what is the use of thinking? It should be two side so that “Comparison” is the word to handle the situation of Right and Wrong.
Logically, every mistake give new lesson but we are forgetting that mistake and try to do same mistake again and its give the birth to laugh in that scene of Drama
Well observation and Question to answer will come to end when ignorance picture come which is visible to everyone but no one want to say anything because they don’t want to hurt the mind of others.
If the question Raise and come up in air “Why you have ignore me” then of course that mind will think about your mind and think the answer of right and wrong.
On the daily basic of observation one mind after long time that observation and smile come to end when that mind has suddenly and unfortunately ignore this mind without putting and pushing the door of welcome.
Here the raw truth is big person big fate whether Right or Wrong.
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