Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Timely Mirror

Every Second, Every minute
Time to time, every night

Mirror inside my room,
Calling me!

Calling me, asking me
The mystery of that image inside me!

And every night, every morning
Time to time every second

That mirror is asking
What is condition of me!

Every night, same hour
That mirror is smiling on me!

And time-to-time, life is moving
But time-to-time, my thought is changing

And time-to-time
That mirror is smiling on me
And asking the mystery
Of that image inside me!

And at last I smiled at mirror
And said the mystery of that
Image inside me is the
Illusion of somebody inside me!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Your Silence

Your silence is talking to me
Your shadow is coming toward me

You don’t speak much
But your silence is one clue for me..

Your shadow is your silence
That me to think

And your silence is a justification
Of your feeling for me

You say it or not but your
Silence is talking to me

Sometime I Talk
To your shadow about me

I m wondering, I m thinking
For breaking this silence

As this silence is talking to me
Break this shadow of silence for me
So I can able to catch you

I want to say what I feel for you
So break this silence for me
So that I can catch you catch you for this time for me
to make your shadow of silence in me

As your silence is a light for me
As your silence is a picture of your shadow inside me

I want to feel sorry
What I said in past

I want to know the reason
Of your silence toward me

Your silence is a light of love for me

You don’t say much
But your silence is giving a feeling of love toward me..

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We are just like a “Colour”

Me is colour, you is colour and next to us is also one form of colour.

Simply, we all are behaving in pattern of colour in our style – sometime in shade of bright, sometime in shade of contrast and sometime in different style means we feel, we express and we manipulate the things in our own style, sometime happy, sometime angry, sometime depressed and sometime over-excited.

In different situation we mould ourselves to adjust our natural colour (means our feeling) to balance the situation or world around us.

But at the end of the day we remain with two colour [me feel this] only Black and white.
Black that is the symbol of dark (our dreams in dark shade) and second colour is white, which is the symbol of purity (means our thoughts).

Ever given a thought what is the “Colour of pain” – while seeing Moon in dark shade of night, which is black colour where silence mould you to think again and again of your past, future and present –Yes Moon see and think.

Its true saying that colour speak a lot and colour matters a lot. And in the same context, our anger means a lot, our passion speak a lot and our silence says a lot.

Why we are in form of colour – Why not just like water- means transparent why so, because colour communicate, express and give an idea to speak to proceed any conservation which we called “Way to communicate” some say “flow of conservation” in their own way and style. Of course, water is the flow where invisible colour communicate, Yes “Invisible Colour” communicate, where water dissolve the things or other colour smoothly in their own way by the help of one colour which is “Colour of Love” and here I define water contains colour of love, sometime in shade of blue, sometime in shade of grey, silver or etc and make thing visible in the garden of their own colour—Colour of Love.

Whatever be the colour doesn’t matter a lot, matter only is the adjustment and balance with others – Question here is: Are you Extrovert or Introvert or any other spices of “VERT” which will conVERT themselves easily with the colours of others.

Do your thought match with others if answer is “No” then you lose your self-confident where growth seem to be in shade of dark and in invisible mode.

And if your thoughts match with others then you seem to be in pattern of self-confident to do any work of others and yours.

Then No Colour matter, matter only is your thinking – The way of expressing your ideas, the way of saying your words in front of others which is the colour of joy, colour of happiness, colour of admire, colour of proud and colour of growth and collections of your memories with others….

And you end with the one colour at the end of your life which you come to know when you close your eyes in shade of your inner voice at the corner of your Thoughts..

Monday, December 04, 2006

Importance of being earnest

Who knows how much honest – Are you with yourself, only you knows or me (means your soul) inside you knows the importance of yourself inside you.

Sometime, sitting alone in room I usually asked this question to myself “Whether me is truly honest with myself, the answer from corner window of heart reply “No”

As me (means my soul) want more and more satisfaction, the aim set for myself haven’t completed yet that is why others eyes can able to see the honest inside my words and work, and same with you sometime, somewhere, where you are honest with yourself.

Interesting question here is “why should one be honest with oneself”

And if you open the depth of this interesting question – the sentence jumbled out like this ----- “One should honest with oneself even if you are not honest with others”

Which take the meaning of self - respect of you and say if one will not be honest with others how can they can honest with oneself, Never and can’t be possible…

As we live in the sphere of Universal Globe, we change our clothes with change in season, we change our thought with change in situation and how can this possible one can be honest with oneself while sitting and talking in change of every season..

Never happen because the vary reason behind this is we as human being think from two angle one is our mind and second is our instincts, both of these vary differently in different occasion, so before thinking of oneself, person here think of others and give importance to others feeling that is why the light of being earnest come and fusion of talk say these words “Importance of being earnest”

What others feel – Feel it – what you think of yourself is important here as importance to yourself give confident to fight in the situation where you want to win the race of being honest in front of others…

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Well, who invests in mutual funds?

And then what is the correlation the paper world and the real life (I mean, us guys)
Just a couple of days back, one of my friend said that we guys are like mutual funds.
Girls come in, invest, some for a short term and then those who get married, have plans for long-term investment.

I thought, he's just blabbering, but then, when I pondered again, I thought he was just right!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Way

Rotating around us in different forms - way of talking, way of expressing, way of conveying and way of behaving etc. built one way of relationship to continue the experience along them.

To understand the visibility of that way takes sometime because the first way of impression is really good and straight.

After sometime experience grows, understanding grows and depth to understand the words grows, which give answer of all questions which are pending to judge which is right way to express yourself in front of others.

And slowly the way of words give clear picture to understand the purpose, and its not necessary that only words can give clear idea, sometime the mode of silence says a lot and give an idea to continue next talk with the person.

We all human being are on the same track and on same level of understanding each other in our own way, which give happiness and relax to our mind at the end of the day whether the way is good or bad, depend how the flow has move toward the corner of sea to built relationship to go further and start the journey with new ideas with new people and with new dreams.

And when new people new ideas and new dreams starts, old ideas seem to be fade out in the path but the memories to recognize all those thoughts give that relax which is uncountable when sitting alone in room and remembering them and their talks.

And it’s the only one way of understanding with your experience what is rotating around you! Whether its good or bad and want to continue with them for further journey or not… and it’s the way which give some importance in the eyes of others.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Busy mind, busy city

Buzzing happens and make the world more busy around us...without giving the time to re-collect the memory which passed away in beautiful way of life.

As this seem to be busy minds all around playing cards in air of Busy city, everyone busy or everyone ust showing the busy style in their path. Never, happen earlier but realised when the cards of playing busy land up in own path then realised the worth of showing how busy here the world around which just kept side to give time for those who passed smile once on that beautiful mark of time...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Showcase of Smartness

Showcase of smartness just lies, how big you deliever your thoughts in front of other's and how big your words goes in mind of other's.

Not done earlier, now lets try to do it know because its good to survive in the world of other's with thoughts of difference in front of other's which showcase the smartness in the form of "Motley"

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Like water exactly, thoughts, which have transparent shades don’t need to say that words which give justification, clarification to combine the thought into complicated horizon of change the transparency of right into wrong.

Time which value the positioning transparency know how much goes in that door and what have to take from that door so value the time is greater placement if thoughts movement is clear like transparency in water..

Friday, August 04, 2006


From here to that corner all illusion is reflected in different aspects of life.

Reflection from own insight start mixing in reflected fusion for the right direction, which end up in infinity loop of other reflections. And ofcourse, its our own reflection which end up with own thought in fraction so often.

Mood so often, change in fraction and reflected in manner to reflect other without any damage calculator in mind.

Reflection of conservation of reflected features say nothing sometime which is bound in soul of internal insight which adjust with reflection of same reflected thought which have the 'Answer' for their 'Question' Right---Just Right and make happy for a minute to reflected in own area of INSIGHT

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sometime, Somewhere, Someone

Sometime, somewhere, someone make you to think something

Sometime, somewhere their expression gives a feel you to think something

Sometime, someone close to your eyes
And sometime your own thought is so narrow to your eyes

Sometime your own expression gives someone to think
And sometime their expression gives nothing to you for think

Sometime, someone say something to you
And sometime your own instinct is not in you

Somewhere, something is happening around you
And sometime, someone is so far from your eyes

Sometime, someone wants to say something to you
And sometime, somewhere you want to express your feeling to someone, which lies inside you

And sometime, somewhere you don’t know that someone is also looking for you

Sometime your own instinct gives answers to your questions inside you

And sometime, someone expression give something to do

Sometime their smile means a lot for you
Sometime you die on their simplicity and sometime they don’t know how much
Lovely they are for you

Somewhere time play a good player for you
As sometime you get the chance to see their face in front of you

Sometime your voice remain inside you and somewhere, someone is waiting for this voice which kept inside you

When this sometime, someone, somewhere will convert in you
And at that point somewhere you fall in love with someone, sometime inside you

This sometime, somewhere, someone expression meant a lot for you

As you know somewhere in your heart, someone is sitting in the corner and waiting for you

And of course, sometime I get sometime to write something for you

And sometime I don’t know how to say that words to you as
Sometime I really get nervous in front of you

And sometime, somewhere I really get excited for you!

And again that sometime will do something for me as my love
Is so clean, so clean and remain so clean forever only for you….

Monday, April 17, 2006


"Hunger" the word is donated for one stomach which is necessary need to survive in life, whether its human being, animails or something else its necessary in any form..

And all are fighting for this whether it's money hunger, food hunger, love hunger, lust hunger, devotation hunger...else else and etc etc....its is necessary and just because of this hunger our chain of communication start and remove the hunger of stomach and mind for a moment ...

This Hunger have their own principle objective and aim which pull the min to process their inner mind and thought and try to move the static things to somewhere where some animation and living is happening.....

Ever give a thought that who is not hungry in this world ohh !!! no one if any idea then just communicate.......to know.....

And just because of this our life is rotating in fictious circle of communciation and we all r moving toward our destination... and ofcourse we don't know that we are fighting for this hunger the vary reason it is in invisible mode and kept in the corner and when bulb of this hunger start we don't have an idea..........

Who will understand the meaning of this hunger, very simple who need this immediately and give proper respect to this hunger some get on time and some have to wait for this and fight in the ground of other's....and some have the word with attachment in their life called "Luck"...

Some have luck from the birth to remove their hunger easily and some have to fight for this for some time...but hunger remove and then the word "God" come in picture and devotion landup and somewhere love and respect take a part and journey will go smoothly to full that hunger.....which is empty in the corner...
Hunger the word is donated for one stomach which is necessary need to survive in life, whether it’s human being, animals or something else it is necessary in any form

And all are fighting for this whether it’s money hunger, food hunger, love hunger, lust hunger, god hunger, devotion hunger else else and etc etc… it’s necessary and just because of this hunger our chain of communication begin and remove the hunger of stomach or mind in new word of hunger…where life put their step of beginning.

This hunger have their own objective and aim which pull the mind to process their inner mind and thought and try to move the static thing somewhere else…

Ever give a thought that who is not hungry in this world, ohh no one if any idea that is not hungry then let communication on this…

And just because of this our life is rotating and we all are moving toward our destination...and course we don’t know that we are fighting for this hunger the vary reason it is invisible so invisible we don’t know and kept in the corner..

Who will understand the meaning of this hunger , very simple who need this immediately and give proper respect to this hunger some get on time and some have to wait for this and fight for this and now here one word land up is called “Luck”..

Some have “Luck” from birth to remove their hunger very easily and some have to again fight in the ground of other for remove their hunger and then the word “God” come in the picture and devotion land up and somewhere love and respect take a part and journey will run smoothly.

But the person hunger goes empty easily when any close relations destroy their promise and expectation very easily…and then no more hunger remain just death and the word God come in picture this one flavors of life which is visible to everyone…

So hunger will remove the hunger at the end whether body is in visible mode or in invisible mode hunger should fullfill ..............hungry stomach search for their destination soon.............................by hock and cook.........................................................this is the hunger of dot appear on this screen...................................................too much hungry.............right now..................

Monday, March 20, 2006

That beautiful bird

That beautiful bird is so close
That I can’t catch her…

Her eyes are so soft and warm
That I can’t close my eyes in front

That expression, that glimpse
That, I can’t forget from mind

That warm colour
Which always chill my heart

Just and just that face
Is always round forever here..

That smile will beat my heart beats
That expression will put me so close to her wings..

That remains that because
I have wear black hat forever

Hat on my eyes will catch the shadow
Of her shadow

That face will remain
Forever for last in mind forever

That moment, that time and that year
Always be mine forever...

That rounded clock is counting the time around my mind forever

One look will give the mediation
Because, that bird is unmatchable and so far

As that is too far from the distance of my voice to catch immediately


No on want to play this serious role in life? What the enjoyment here nothing only pain and waiting for the light which will change the life if received the ray of that light then again “ Fear “ will stand out and say vote for them what will be happen next.

To whom to give the credit for playing the role of patient in real life! We themselves, Nature in front of us “Which say God know all things” or other’s who are involving in participating in the queue of patient but not fallen in this category.

Actually patient means “Lots of patience” to handle the worst situation.

And when hearing this word “Patient” sympathy will come and make the horizon widely with beautiful hands of help, sometime this will not be the case because how socially we are and how much isolated and caring we are it’s dependable on that! Is it...sometime

And it is not necessary that the person who is lying in hospital bed sheet or fighting with any disease with themselves in their own home with their body that is only called patient “no” the situation is not like this but it’s the feel which say that you are unfit and make you to feel yourself patient with your own beautiful body in your life.

It’s the mind + age and time. Sometime it seems that every single part or organ of body is entailed to one disease and one inner patient.

Some knows their enemy and some don’t know. And nowadays every single person is fighting with one disease for e.g. sugar, high-low blood pressure etc. and which give them one fear which really harmful because it play the role of king in the patient life and which break the level of confident to survive in life the vary reason pain.

And our culture has created or discovered one freedom fighter for them means for patient disease and it is called as “Doctor” who is key learner and can learn, understand the disease of the person.

Society has given them special place where god stand or sit and society can believe them undoubtfully because this personality which can only remove that fear of death from patient sometime.

Which they also know “Death is the universal truth” but they are helping with their mind and knowledge.

But nowadays it’s professions, which is taken for profit for future but what is the harm in it, they are also human being and want to live their life socially with their patient and their knowledge.

And now who care for whom “no one” expects the freedom and peace in mind, which is lying in our body itself.

Once I personally went to hospital and playing the role of patient and that was worst situation in my life and hoping for good future and my family want that.. for me..

Now the actual scene of hospital what I felt.

I entered in hospital and my eyes are searching for doctor who can check me and give me relax and obvious I was searching for the doctor who can smile and no doubt every single doctor have a hobby to laugh beautifully before I catch doctor! Suddenly my eyes froze to damage patient where blood is falling from head just like tsunami in head and that red colour which pull my nervous to run fast and feel come that I don’t want to come again into the world of hospital because if the patient see any other patient than fear move high and confident became low.

Now my glucose bottle is over and my doctor has put me on bed and said okay now you try to sleep and I join the party of sleep and when my party sleep is over I open my eyes and suddenly I saw next to me one more patient was lying-crying and fighting with their disease then my sympathy power generated and I pray from god never to give this life to anyone and my morning turn on and I felt little relax and dreams is here “ patient ” and we all are patient from our mind”

It’s a lesson learnt for me to fit in life and be happy because I was young at that moment and now playing the role of middle young in my stage of life.

That is why “Doctor always say good food and good sleep and beautiful good night without any tension in mind is really perfect match for every person in their life.

What the patience has god give to doctors, which is not countable if compared to normal person.

Because patience is the power and energy, which make you good in the queue of good healthy person if not having good patience, and to consume the hurts and paint of disease in the body then the face will automatically converts into the patient face.

The real fact of this that smile again I m emphasizing on this word “Smiles”

The real fact of this that smile again I m emphasizing on this word “Smiles” Yeah smile will make patient happy lot of patient but to other’s who are not playing the role of patient.

Sometime after playing this role and receiving the light of energy person can mould their life sometime light here means new objective, new dreams, new thought why? Reason may be patient world of thought is over and person is thinking that earlier their thought is cheap and small, now health is good and fit now try to eat the good fruit and live in good profit of world.

For them life has given just pain and tear why no one knows?

Its not that hear we are saying about the big disease no! not at all its not big or small disease or pain ? here it the question why? Why and why not be healthy and the solution is can’t because mind is the king possibly is that mind has total power to control our body emotions and the emotions which lies in eyes.

If mind will plan that they will never play the role of patient then it is totally over smartness and which is totally wrong because what our body needed and what our body necessity we don’t know and actually we only know that this is our body and w have to eat and fulfill the hunger of our body and give relax to our body feel. Yes feel her which emerge from mind As I said mind is the king of all.

The things are quite different here we are playing the role of patient in this world and we don’t have any idea about yourself what the next role we are going to play and we beleiv3 that director of film is “God or may be nature”

Nature they also play the role of patient and we all have seen their fear if we say tsunami, earthquake, heavy rain, storm all are pain and tear which nature is having and if something happen to nature then of course we have to fight with nature and pray that stop immediately this reaction and expression of patient otherwise we will go in bed and playing the role of patient in current life or may be in heaven or in the hell. No one knows that.

Because our mind is patient and sometime playing the role of doctor.

AS mind come up with lots of ideas, dreams, dust etc things to think more and sometime just because of this mind, body shivers and not able to take that paint which going on in pulse while thinking and then of course patient will come and play the role of draulz in our body and we all have headache etc thing and at the same hand our doctor mind is fighting with out patient mind and try to makes free our body with that horrible miserable patient and try to fix our body bugs and give a feel of relax ness. So at last conclusion or we can say that mind is power and light and try to keep this mind clean and separate from various tension and confusion and try to move straight so that stress will not come and our body will take the charm of doctor mind and be healthy forever without any cause and damage in our body

So our patience in our mind is key factor to fight with our patient mind

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mind-blowing Drama

What you think about me and what I think about you!!!
This is the Question which never been asked from the person mouth itself (Take this situation).

If the question “What you think about me” will come in the air then what is the answer”. Is the answer is really right! No idea ohm

Why? Because we don’t know our identity and we are thinking about other identity what they think and express for us.

Sometime in this situation “Guess” may be wrong and somewhere it goes in right direction but we don’t know whether answer is right or wrong.

Sometime we think that we know that person well enough but on the way of that person expression on very typically situation we come across to know the undiscovered truth, which also lies in us.

But we are hiding from that or ignoring that Why? Because we think we are good person and think good for that person and we want to stand in the queue of well wisher for that person but the situation and scene is not like. Because what the person is thinking about you, which you don’t know at all, if you knew then half the battle is won and next question come in the pipeline.

Here Instinct come and give you the answer for your undiscovered question.

Sometime silence will give you the answer for that undiscovered question and sometime anger would move you in the circle of unconditional horizon.

My experience of life and knowledge is good enough then you? How? How baby why you believe that why not me?
Answer to this question come to end when you are lying in that situation.

So here the job of well-wisher and thinking right for that person is over because if you don’t put the situation on your garden then how come you solve that mind-blowing drama which is moving on that person mind.

Usually “Drama inside your mind is Right” because someone is playing the role in the scene and you are the director of that filmy drama and you can mould the situation as per your way and the vary reason is that you are the king of your dream and mind and of course you don’t want to allow anyone to handle that mind.

Mind is really personal not for other’s if it go in the hand of others mind then you or me will definitely play the role of “Robot” in the next episodes of mind with fluctuation in that mind.

It’s totally dramatically in situation when someone is reading you and observing you and you have little Guess or intuition of that.

Then what happen in the background of your mind? You try to behave smartly and try to know the things what that person is thinking about you and you are ignoring the question “ What you are thinking” and of course, you pass good smile to handle hidden smile in front.

From childhood I m hearing that good food is really good for health and fresh up the mind and on the other side we are ignoring the fact whether you or me on the plate of eating food which give the taste but not fulfill the hunger of the eyes.

Sometime in this mind-blowing drama conservation play very important role to find the situation of again that undiscovered question on one side.

Day start and come to end suddenly the fraction of thought again come and put the question and give smile, dirty-dirty and dirty mind is moving in wrong direction and wrong prospective because that person is busy somewhere else with some other thought and you are in false way of thinking that mind is moving with your thought.

Group and slip of words can make the identity of person that is why one mind have that path to say what others want to do because here undiscovered question is

If Green is in red then what is the Answer

Answer is my mind goes in Dark

Same way if the mind is thinking in one direction then what is the use of thinking? It should be two side so that “Comparison” is the word to handle the situation of Right and Wrong.

Logically, every mistake give new lesson but we are forgetting that mistake and try to do same mistake again and its give the birth to laugh in that scene of Drama

Well observation and Question to answer will come to end when ignorance picture come which is visible to everyone but no one want to say anything because they don’t want to hurt the mind of others.

If the question Raise and come up in air “Why you have ignore me” then of course that mind will think about your mind and think the answer of right and wrong.

On the daily basic of observation one mind after long time that observation and smile come to end when that mind has suddenly and unfortunately ignore this mind without putting and pushing the door of welcome.
Here the raw truth is big person big fate whether Right or Wrong.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New Light

The source of power for undiscovered road.

Variety of colour with difference in variation, who know the dress you wore on that occasion and what is was the colour of new dress and what is the difference in them? Nobody knows except you.

On the other hand past is past, when the lights are switched off and present is converted into new light, what’s the harm in sleeping in the bedroom with new light, why sleep in dark of the past?

How do you capture the new light? Just lie back for time itself will convert present into future, with new fictions and new drama of life, which will handle the situation independently in a race of the other world in the another world.

It’s the deadly truth of life that time has its own phase, some are in the month of January and some in the month of November. The circle is imaginary and rotates like the Earth. No idea on which shoe and on what dramatic situation you will pass on to.

So we are racing for the new light, the light that is the idea and the power of the mind to think what goes on in the right and the left side of mind.

My identity is totally abstract, but logically it emerges with the new light.

Confusion is a fabulous part of the light, which automatically converts into the direction to solve the equation and the question of bath?

Some say confusion is bad for the mind, but on what should I believe? Does the present mean “your” or “my” past?

My Math’s teachers once told me that if you are not confused then you can’t solve the problem, you can’t use your brain. I failed in maths.

Yes, at that moment I was playing the role of kid with fiction of past light but some rays and memory lie still, in the left or in the right side of my mind, which urges me to say something and fight with the present situation.

“Power” everyone needs, because it removes the hunger of current situation. So light play a vital role to giving the right color, right path, right direction toward my next goal in life.

Yes, light here is a “teacher” or the person who will teach you the path of right and wrong and move you in the garden of heaven with the right knowledge of learning.

At last that new light will give you that smile which will not contain the dusts of the past light and push you to complete a path of next goal - that endless road to the purpose of life.

Friday, March 10, 2006

It’s a Game of Volume

Playground is necessary needed to play any game in same context “Your Volume” is a big part to precede any conservation.

Volume “Yes we are talking about your volume when you speak while in the stream of communication with anyone whom you know or not.

High to low, medium, polite, harshly, strong, soft etc. these are the words, which are countable in respect to “Volume”.

And because of this volume some feel happy and some take it seriously and take the pain for a second and forever year.

It’s just the way of talking to handle the situation or to play in that playground. Soft, simple volumes are really good but what about shout, strong and straightforward.

Shout and strong are okay but the volume where straightforwardness come then don’t know what is that volume be called and what is next.

As all know that “Sorry” is the word, which have to spoken, in soft volume and with beautiful sadly face expression if not done in that way then sorry have to meaning at all.
And this is the word, which has to come up on right time from mouth.

Because someone is waiting for that word from a minute if this word spoken late then charm and beauty of this word is over.

On the Other hand expression is very important here.

Volume, Volume, Volume which also change with the race of time because experience and the situation give you that learning and knowledge where to use the trend of volume, no matter who are the person in front and taking the glimpse of your volume.

These volumes are playing the role of player in playground and people are your audience who sometime stand up and give clap and sometime make there false and saddy face just because of your volume storm.

Do we all understand the depth of this volume? No! Half is in yes panel. Reason we know what is right and wrong but our alter ego don’t want this volume to come in time on right situation if come then hopefully you will play the role of saint or leader in the world of other’s with others.


There is always difference between two minds. No idea what other mind is thinking and what they want to process in next stage.

Similarly we are also aware of difference in age as because of this “Age” experience increases; knowledge increases; understanding increases and makes lot of difference.

“I” as a human being can’t understand what other’s mind is thinking, but I can guess about it “Remember Guess” an idea of thought which lies only in my corner of mind.

So, why it is so pinch able and hurtable when Shyam Munshi has changed his statement in Jessica Murder case! Why so, why he has done such cheap and ridiculous thing by changing his statement after 7 years. Very simple, at that moment his eyes were totally open and fresh and that eyes haven’t seen that incident earlier, that 19-year-old boy eyes were in the invisible mode which was unaware of “Indian System” – police, law, court etc.

Now after 7 years “19 years come out to be 26 years ” and can better understand the things what is right and wrong and more sensible in taking decision. The differences can be outlined that these 7 years have given his eyes exposure to understand and learn the Indian system, which has shown that the system is totally corrupt where statement changes overnight and of course everybody knows about this, rich always has a ball in his hand.

Let’s try to put the situation in your shoes, suppose you are earning good money, getting fame and leaving a hi-fi life, so what will you do, yes apparently you will do the same thing, why just because of past all present will destroy.

Yes, nobody wants to destroy his/her present because of bad past unless or until that bad past belongs to his/her belongings. So a person can fight for the things.

This is not a stage of movie dramas where hero can actually fight with villain and can win, secondly it is not the stage of “Rang de Banasti” show where one can fight for others and win the toss of fame.

It is reality of our life that we are afraid from our thoughts, our in-built relationship and ourselves, which is an example of Shayan. But who knew, that night turned in to stunning and strident when the murder happen in front 100 people including 19 year boy – So why only this 19 year old boy came in picture why not others, very simple rich person rich fate….

And Shayan is not too big that anyone can trust his words whether he is wrong or right.

And secondly we all know that Indian Government has given us freedom, that freedom to talk, to do anything what we want to, so I don’t think Shayan has done really ridiculous thing….

Now that 26 years’ eyes can see the difference in society, system, law and many things which has changed the definition of the Right and Wrong.

And moreover what the court has done since long? Nothing and now…lets see where the situation ends up…..


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Black to white

Nature to natural adopted and man has adopted beautiful belonging in life to push the black toward white and gaining clear picture in society of world.

No one know the air in black and smell in white its totally abstract, socialize society have both sum of black and white and retaining the invisible power for new generation.

Who knows from which angle of degree the judgment will take whether right or in wrong prospective.

Harassment, Frustration, anger towards their own eyes is the clean picture and story of black and on the otherhand white is religious yes religious who knows how much and how many times in stair of temple or home lies religious to religion attitude

Osha has discovered and created new pattern in life for not to believe in God – Who was that just an idea of thought on paper or in the mind just like at this moment my pen is moving fast without thinking the brainstorms in what direction it go and stop

Fashionable Change

If the word” is “I am not a heritage monument or building” that is why I require change in my life then what happen next.

As per time showcase change is necessary object, which automatically come, and goes in life, some are visible and some are in invisible mode.

Change in object will not reflect the reflection and impression of object thought but it might effect the other object in front of them, what happen next is that change is dangerous for communication gap and understanding or not.

Bound in the boundaries of personal responsibility everyone is busy in their personnel thought and schedule then who will be responsible for the tears and burden which lies on that object who is facing the fire of changed object

Suppose “here we are talking about “A” as object 1 and “Z” object 2

Both A and Z are in the pattern of understanding each other goal and thought but change the word “CHANGE” which has disturb the relation in the stream and flow of both object

The horizon and air around is thinking about the change with time “what, why and when: Question is here?

Lets take the example here of friendship as it natural given word which is responsible and grant the understanding of communication depth and relationship.

“A” is saying there is no change in the life and “Z” is fighting with change in “A”.

Small thing and the power of words is the game and the moment of eyes and smiles are there who is responsible for that change and damage in understanding.

Only because of these changes the mind in the double shape and processor is thinking what will happen and why.

The question here is “Why Friendship is the word” which only give that respect why not the anger come in pipeline to make the relationship more strong and healthy.

Why ‘Sorry’ is the word to revamp that relationship in one roof why not taken in the old fashion? Why sorry is needed, no idea what the idea and processor is in moving toward to say say to others for other relief in change.

Change, that one change in life will change the surrounding to think what happen and question goes to the object which has reflect that change but without any answer to say what will happen in the fashion trend.

That change with the time has empowered the stream to do something for only for them but not for other if the fashion of harmonies in nature comes.

Question is waiting for answer!

And other is waiting for that smile because that smiles matter a lot, as that smiles not reflect the change in the object fashion with the trendy change in time.

Book of Burden with beautiful experience

One burden is not over, second come on head with the beautiful trend and that burden again give one-two experience in life or in hand.

The person surrounding you whom you believe so much has given promise to take over that burden and give some happiness in your laps but just sudden with the time that one is also countable in the queue of huge burden in life so how to over come with that burden which is terrify, horrible and painful the reason you can’t tell anyone about that because the surrounding and air around you think that there is strong understanding which is blowing up in front you but dust organ of understanding is invisible for others.

Why and Why with the time period that burden has given that painful strong experience to fight with other burden.

Life is not stagnant as it is continuous process of learning and taking mouth to hand experience and taking some good ideas in mind, which can help to remove the tear and fulfill the hunger of that empty stomach.

One tear with hidden smile is really terrify which don’t know the meaning of what happen “Next”

Is just the fulfillment of socializing society, which – one has taken once to complete raw truth of that change?

Why so much B se burden. Okay, it’s the heaven or hell no idea but it has some power to do some commitment

Now, burden stage is over, second burden is on the end stage and the person is welcoming the door of third burden with third experience in life to process.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


What you call this situation of life or one phase of life in DARK?

All lights switched off and room is in the darkest hour of night just lying on the bed way to deep & sound sleep, and before ready to close two balls of eyes, all of sudden eyes got stuck on the door in front and don’t know why mind has taken opportunity to think that somebody outside sitting on the chair under the shadow of a tree is starring, trying to change to the path of thoughts in the tired mind, hoping that thoughts would automatically change to scare the soul & shivers the body and generate goose pimples . Then the body took a curve, trying to sleep straight, in a fraction of second. Other thought rushed in the mind thinking that somebody from outside is starring from the window…Who is he/she…

It took five long hours to satisfy the mind nobody is there and its all illusion of the tired mind from the day’s activity a fresh thought arrives, night is over, its 5 a.m. in morning.

Second day, discussed same topic with friends while discussing the topic gathered variety of information from horizon. Topic was over and last wording at end was that: Somebody is listening this conservation!!! One of the friend dropped near by home it was 8 pm. Steps were fast and mind was running with the thoughts that somebody was following want to catch and want to come in front but not trying to look back decided to run and run towards home. Aim is to knock the door and get inside to feel secure, ohhh these moments were really horrible and illusion comes to result and voice came out and said Yes there was someone who was actually not visible in the actual form but is it a imagination No… there was someone who will always be around that corner and waiting for somebody !!!

What is this!!! who is that soul may be a old woman or old man dressed in white not able to catch the face. Moving around the corner and not giving the complete picture of that object, disturbed the whole night not even in night but it start disturbing in the time of afternoon when suddenly light switched off…

Is it the darkness which gives the shape to an object forcing to think that somebody who is almost died is waiting and wanted to play with the mind, discuss something, want to say something or want to do something which is unknown…

Is it Abstract imagination?
Is it power of imagination?
Is it the place similarity and so similar that object creation start?