Me is colour, you is colour and next to us is also one form of colour.
Simply, we all are behaving in pattern of colour in our style – sometime in shade of bright, sometime in shade of contrast and sometime in different style means we feel, we express and we manipulate the things in our own style, sometime happy, sometime angry, sometime depressed and sometime over-excited.
In different situation we mould ourselves to adjust our natural colour (means our feeling) to balance the situation or world around us.
But at the end of the day we remain with two colour [me feel this] only Black and white.
Black that is the symbol of dark (our dreams in dark shade) and second colour is white, which is the symbol of purity (means our thoughts).
Ever given a thought what is the “Colour of pain” – while seeing Moon in dark shade of night, which is black colour where silence mould you to think again and again of your past, future and present –Yes Moon see and think.
Its true saying that colour speak a lot and colour matters a lot. And in the same context, our anger means a lot, our passion speak a lot and our silence says a lot.
Why we are in form of colour – Why not just like water- means transparent why so, because colour communicate, express and give an idea to speak to proceed any conservation which we called “Way to communicate” some say “flow of conservation” in their own way and style. Of course, water is the flow where invisible colour communicate, Yes “Invisible Colour” communicate, where water dissolve the things or other colour smoothly in their own way by the help of one colour which is “Colour of Love” and here I define water contains colour of love, sometime in shade of blue, sometime in shade of grey, silver or etc and make thing visible in the garden of their own colour—Colour of Love.
Whatever be the colour doesn’t matter a lot, matter only is the adjustment and balance with others – Question here is: Are you Extrovert or Introvert or any other spices of “VERT” which will conVERT themselves easily with the colours of others.
Do your thought match with others if answer is “No” then you lose your self-confident where growth seem to be in shade of dark and in invisible mode.
And if your thoughts match with others then you seem to be in pattern of self-confident to do any work of others and yours.
Then No Colour matter, matter only is your thinking – The way of expressing your ideas, the way of saying your words in front of others which is the colour of joy, colour of happiness, colour of admire, colour of proud and colour of growth and collections of your memories with others….
And you end with the one colour at the end of your life which you come to know when you close your eyes in shade of your inner voice at the corner of your Thoughts..
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