Who knows how much honest – Are you with yourself, only you knows or me (means your soul) inside you knows the importance of yourself inside you.
Sometime, sitting alone in room I usually asked this question to myself “Whether me is truly honest with myself, the answer from corner window of heart reply “No”
As me (means my soul) want more and more satisfaction, the aim set for myself haven’t completed yet that is why others eyes can able to see the honest inside my words and work, and same with you sometime, somewhere, where you are honest with yourself.
Interesting question here is “why should one be honest with oneself”
And if you open the depth of this interesting question – the sentence jumbled out like this ----- “One should honest with oneself even if you are not honest with others”
Which take the meaning of self - respect of you and say if one will not be honest with others how can they can honest with oneself, Never and can’t be possible…
As we live in the sphere of Universal Globe, we change our clothes with change in season, we change our thought with change in situation and how can this possible one can be honest with oneself while sitting and talking in change of every season..
Never happen because the vary reason behind this is we as human being think from two angle one is our mind and second is our instincts, both of these vary differently in different occasion, so before thinking of oneself, person here think of others and give importance to others feeling that is why the light of being earnest come and fusion of talk say these words “Importance of being earnest”
What others feel – Feel it – what you think of yourself is important here as importance to yourself give confident to fight in the situation where you want to win the race of being honest in front of others…
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