No on want to play this serious role in life? What the enjoyment here nothing only pain and waiting for the light which will change the life if received the ray of that light then again “ Fear “ will stand out and say vote for them what will be happen next.
To whom to give the credit for playing the role of patient in real life! We themselves, Nature in front of us “Which say God know all things” or other’s who are involving in participating in the queue of patient but not fallen in this category.
Actually patient means “Lots of patience” to handle the worst situation.
And when hearing this word “Patient” sympathy will come and make the horizon widely with beautiful hands of help, sometime this will not be the case because how socially we are and how much isolated and caring we are it’s dependable on that! Is it...sometime
And it is not necessary that the person who is lying in hospital bed sheet or fighting with any disease with themselves in their own home with their body that is only called patient “no” the situation is not like this but it’s the feel which say that you are unfit and make you to feel yourself patient with your own beautiful body in your life.
It’s the mind + age and time. Sometime it seems that every single part or organ of body is entailed to one disease and one inner patient.
Some knows their enemy and some don’t know. And nowadays every single person is fighting with one disease for e.g. sugar, high-low blood pressure etc. and which give them one fear which really harmful because it play the role of king in the patient life and which break the level of confident to survive in life the vary reason pain.
And our culture has created or discovered one freedom fighter for them means for patient disease and it is called as “Doctor” who is key learner and can learn, understand the disease of the person.
Society has given them special place where god stand or sit and society can believe them undoubtfully because this personality which can only remove that fear of death from patient sometime.
Which they also know “Death is the universal truth” but they are helping with their mind and knowledge.
But nowadays it’s professions, which is taken for profit for future but what is the harm in it, they are also human being and want to live their life socially with their patient and their knowledge.
And now who care for whom “no one” expects the freedom and peace in mind, which is lying in our body itself.
Once I personally went to hospital and playing the role of patient and that was worst situation in my life and hoping for good future and my family want that.. for me..
Now the actual scene of hospital what I felt.
I entered in hospital and my eyes are searching for doctor who can check me and give me relax and obvious I was searching for the doctor who can smile and no doubt every single doctor have a hobby to laugh beautifully before I catch doctor! Suddenly my eyes froze to damage patient where blood is falling from head just like tsunami in head and that red colour which pull my nervous to run fast and feel come that I don’t want to come again into the world of hospital because if the patient see any other patient than fear move high and confident became low.
Now my glucose bottle is over and my doctor has put me on bed and said okay now you try to sleep and I join the party of sleep and when my party sleep is over I open my eyes and suddenly I saw next to me one more patient was lying-crying and fighting with their disease then my sympathy power generated and I pray from god never to give this life to anyone and my morning turn on and I felt little relax and dreams is here “ patient ” and we all are patient from our mind”
It’s a lesson learnt for me to fit in life and be happy because I was young at that moment and now playing the role of middle young in my stage of life.
That is why “Doctor always say good food and good sleep and beautiful good night without any tension in mind is really perfect match for every person in their life.
What the patience has god give to doctors, which is not countable if compared to normal person.
Because patience is the power and energy, which make you good in the queue of good healthy person if not having good patience, and to consume the hurts and paint of disease in the body then the face will automatically converts into the patient face.
The real fact of this that smile again I m emphasizing on this word “Smiles”
The real fact of this that smile again I m emphasizing on this word “Smiles” Yeah smile will make patient happy lot of patient but to other’s who are not playing the role of patient.
Sometime after playing this role and receiving the light of energy person can mould their life sometime light here means new objective, new dreams, new thought why? Reason may be patient world of thought is over and person is thinking that earlier their thought is cheap and small, now health is good and fit now try to eat the good fruit and live in good profit of world.
For them life has given just pain and tear why no one knows?
Its not that hear we are saying about the big disease no! not at all its not big or small disease or pain ? here it the question why? Why and why not be healthy and the solution is can’t because mind is the king possibly is that mind has total power to control our body emotions and the emotions which lies in eyes.
If mind will plan that they will never play the role of patient then it is totally over smartness and which is totally wrong because what our body needed and what our body necessity we don’t know and actually we only know that this is our body and w have to eat and fulfill the hunger of our body and give relax to our body feel. Yes feel her which emerge from mind As I said mind is the king of all.
The things are quite different here we are playing the role of patient in this world and we don’t have any idea about yourself what the next role we are going to play and we beleiv3 that director of film is “God or may be nature”
Nature they also play the role of patient and we all have seen their fear if we say tsunami, earthquake, heavy rain, storm all are pain and tear which nature is having and if something happen to nature then of course we have to fight with nature and pray that stop immediately this reaction and expression of patient otherwise we will go in bed and playing the role of patient in current life or may be in heaven or in the hell. No one knows that.
Because our mind is patient and sometime playing the role of doctor.
AS mind come up with lots of ideas, dreams, dust etc things to think more and sometime just because of this mind, body shivers and not able to take that paint which going on in pulse while thinking and then of course patient will come and play the role of draulz in our body and we all have headache etc thing and at the same hand our doctor mind is fighting with out patient mind and try to makes free our body with that horrible miserable patient and try to fix our body bugs and give a feel of relax ness. So at last conclusion or we can say that mind is power and light and try to keep this mind clean and separate from various tension and confusion and try to move straight so that stress will not come and our body will take the charm of doctor mind and be healthy forever without any cause and damage in our body
So our patience in our mind is key factor to fight with our patient mind
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