Saturday, June 23, 2007

Subject Line

Kindly change the subject line
I asked wisely
But it’s again the same
I shouted loudly but it happen again

Why can’t you understand?
I made the mistake
Why you are doing the same

That is why I m shouting and shouting
So that it help you to change

Change the color, change the dress
Change your mood
Change the name
Change all the things, which lies on your hand
Because I don’t like your name…

I want to see you fresh with all fresh flowers in your hand
I have taken a bath and wash my hand

I closed my eyes
So that you can change the SUBJECT LINE….
I prefer new thoughts, new ideas on one side

Change your present with your future kindly
It’s on you to change the world around you happily

I have given that subject line
Why you are stick to that
Kindly change it
It’s on you to change my soul for a while

Me was sweating too much
And you had taken a long breath

It’s the season of winter
Why you are taking a rest

Sometime I don’t say too much
And your silence gives the answer

It’s a month of December and you are seating idle
Oh shameful thoughts coming here
Come on darling is the month of December

You forget that day
When I have given you the flower (Of course, Red one)

So kindly change the Subject line, me is getting older

Why you are the same
Me is burning on a flame

It’s a hundred miles far away
And I m still walking and walking on a highway

Me is sweating too much
And you are having a beer
I have photo of yours inside my purse

You remembered I closed my eyes on that day
I still believe on you
And changed myself according to you
I changed the colour of my dress
Can’t you?

Me is working somewhere
Having a lots of work
Of course I had a cup of coffee
Do you remember once we have taken together?

Yes you have a different view
And I have taken your views

And I m still walking and talking
With all given belongings of yours…

Me is doing my work
What about you
You still have a different view
Kindly change that Subject line
I m still waiting for you >>>> to be continue


Divisha said...

Hmm..i liked this one...though i want to know both the subject and the subject line of your attention... :) :) bataa bhi do ab ;)

Mukesh Marwah said...

@divisha: areee no one no carpet is still welcoming for the leg......hehehe its just like maya and i have written just like that....on words....words come and i have written it

Mukesh Marwah said...
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Anonymous said...

Good words.