Crossed the border, where _ start!
Life: Ohh nothing much! On my side.
Death: Really!
So, what your future plan then?
Life: Haven't decided yet waiting for right time and right place to move into…
Death: Oh I see, So, What type of place you are looking for?
Life: Yeah, seem like silent and peaceful… Do you have any ideas?where can I get this type of place!
Death: Okey before I will tell you I want to ask one question from you, May I ?
Life: Of course, why not I m ready for question to answer.
Death: Are you busy nowadays?
Life: Busy means busy on what context you are asking this… there arelots of thing where I am busy right now to be frank with you!
Death: So I take your words that you are busy, Okay To what extent?
Life: I can say 24 x 7 / 365
Death: So, you don't time for me.
Life: Time, buddy I have one thing with me, which is "TIME" as I bornand brought up with Time.
Death: Cool! like it…
Life: What about liking it! You are also the part of Time buddy!
Death: OH, I didn't know I thought time is waiting for me, as I comeTime Stop? Me is superior than time but for the time being I take yourpoint for granted.
Life: You better do!
Death: So you have a time for me is it?
Life: Well, can't say but yes I can manage it
Death: Great! You will manage, Well, hope you don't mind if I ask fromyou that would u like to go for Date with me (means for Coffee or tea)
Life: Really, you want to go with me but dude I would like to go for drink, as I told you earlier I m looking for peace after chilling outmy mind.
Death: Mentioned not, we can go for drink? But where we can, as I mnew to this place
Life: Ahhhhhhh, Golden dragon is okay its good place to go at evening,and then we will going to meet tomorrow is it fine!
Death: If you think its good then its obviously good, yes we will meettomorrow catch you at 6 in evening
Life: Just for second, as we are going on date which dress you preferI will wear…
Death: Oh, I appreciate your feeling my permission you need andpreference too..I like black and white, now its on you what you wantto wear, okay go for Black if I don't like it then I will let you know.
Tomorrow at 6: pm > Inside Golden dragonDeath: So, Life you are with me right now how are you feeling? I wantto hear from your voice.
Life: Ah what I say dear, its itsssssss lovely I can't express myselfright now but it's really great while with you right now…
Death: Oh my pleasure! Hope you are not falling in love with me, well I said just because I have seen in your eyes something.
Life: Yummi, Yummi, you taste is really good and you can read the eyesgreat. My answer to your question is Yes, me is falling somehow whichyou called love, Well right now with you don't know about future...
Death: So, here to point, where would like to now
HEAVEN or HELL? Life: Means? I didn't get you, what are you talking!
Death: You are dead. On Next Date I m going to tell you Why I did withyou this. Right now you can go in Heaven as you have spend good momentwith me?
Life: You bullshit why you did so with me I told you I love you so whyyou have done with me, Why So?
Death: Dear, as you told me you want peace and you said you love me soI thought its better that I will marry with you and give you all peaceand pleasure whether it will be heaven or hell. On your own words I mtaking you because its your mistake that you DATED with me and spendyour precious time with me so there is no point wasting the time andgo to another door, that is why I took you with me, well family planning we will do after some gap.
Life: Ohhh my time, my moments my relation, my love, my work, my tension is all you have to take care of it. Can you naa!
Death: Yes sure, it's my duty I will!
At last every conservation have an END, whether positive or negative, whether
lively or deadly, whether happy or bad but its should have end as everything
which begin have END so next conservation can start…means LIFE