Girls & I Repel
365 days running around flowers. And all beautiful flowers are for viewing purpose only. Still on a desert? Only because:
- Always remaining in my own garden, never went outside to see other flowers
- Busy Schedule... never taken time for cup of coffee, Juice & Lassi
- Is it necessary to organized in the way the "G's" want to have.
- Always be soft spoken (Nooooooo!) why so?
- Culture says give respect and that respect always maintain small distance then that small distance become "Larger in a Way" which never comes to an end
- A smile which can mean many a things, sometime good and sometime Bad – and I don't take risks!
- You are not good, your voice Is so heavy, why you don't wear jeans & shirts, why do you eat non-veg, every moment "WHY" in Way which destroys the purpose and I become one of the Triangles in a Road which only have direction
Endless point that never come to end, the very reason is that Girls are Cute Flowers which take some time to become "Women" which show the level of maturity and then things automatically change with the Seasons.
And then right time to pick up the Right Flower with Right color and Right Smell?
- Are you only successful with Women
Point 2
Girls & I Repel (hmmmm...)
To whom do I give the credit? Only me. I am the "Man of the Match".
Just like I am happily married, here I would like to say "I am happy, thinking, single Bachelor" this is not just for me but applies to all who are under the same roof.
Question: why do we say Yes... only because:
- Desi ghee lies in front of them but they all are looking for Dalda Ghee's to eat which disturb me...
I get a sore throat!!!